Trademark registration in Lithuania
A Trademark registered with the State Patent Bureau of the Republic of Lithuania (hereinafter - the State Patent Bureau) remains valid for 10 years, after which the Trademark can be renewed for a further 10 years and again each time the 10 year period elapses. The state fee for registration or renewal is 70 EUR, which includes registration or renewal of a trademark in one class (Nice classification). For every additional class of goods and (or) services an additional payment of 35 EUR is required.
The entire process of registering a trademark takes about 1 year. State fees payable are EUR 70 for filing and EUR 70 upon grant. "Likelihood of confusion or perception of mutual relation" is a principle applied in Lithuania in determining whether or not two marks may co-exist. Opposition against published marks may be submitted within 3 months from the publication date (state fee is 93 EUR).
Further, the Customs authorities may be notified about registered marks, thus enabling border control against counterfeited goods to be enforced, down to destruction of seized goods. Owners of trademarks may enforce their rights of removal of infringing trademarks of unofficial distributors, traders, etc., from advertisement, documents, goods and services.
Trademark Law in Lithuania in English language
Copyright Law in Lithuana in English language
Official form for Trademark assignment in Lithuania
Power of Attorney in Lithuania for patent and trademark registration in English language
Power of Attorney in Lithuania for patent and trademark registration in Russian language
Power of Attorney in Lithuania for patent and trademark registration in Finnish language
Power of Attorney in Lithuania for patent and trademark registration in Swedish language
Special power of attorney for patent and trademark registration in Lithuania in English language
Special power of attorney for patent and trademark registration in Lithuania in Czech language
Special power of attorney for patent and trademark registration in Lithuania in Russian language
Special power of attorney for patent and trademark registration in Lithuania in Finnish language
Some of trademarks represented: