European Patent, European Union Trademark and Community Design Registration
The Gencs Valters Law Firm provides representation before the European Patent Office (EPO) in Munich (Germany) for European patent registrations as well as before the European Union Intellectual Property Office (Trade Marks and Designs) (EUIPO, before OHIM) of the European Union in Alicante (Spain).
European Patent and Trademark Attorney Valters Gencs (registration number before the European Patent Office - No. 9201200, before EUIPO - No. 28551) will assist you with registering the following exclusive rights within the EU:
- European Patents;
- European Union Trade Marks;
- Community Designs.
What does it cost to apply for a European Union Trade Mark?
State fees:
- Cost of registration of European Union Trade mark is EUR 1000 for one class (EUR 850 if done electronically). The second class costs EUR 50.
- Cost of European Union Trade mark registration or at least 3 classes is EUR 150 per each class.
We may assist further with patent and trademark registrations on regional bases in the Baltic States (Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia) as well as Finland. Further, the following services may be provided:
- Evaluation of Intellectual Property (IP) rights;
- Litigation;
- Exploitation of the IP rights, licenses, etc.
- Maintenance of patents and trademarks;
- Search of prior art.
Power of attorney for European Union Trade marks and Community Designs
The firm is a member of Intellectual Property associations such as FICPI, AIPLA, AIPPI, INTA, ITMA, CIPA, AIPPI, LES USA & CANADA, ECTA, MARQUES and GRUR.
European Patent Office in Munich (Germany)
European Union Trade Marks and Designs registered
Design; "Spārīte"
On June 2012 has been registered RCD for one of the most popular in Soviet years in Soviet Union and Europe children tricycle "Spārīte". The production of the tricycle has been started in 1974 year in Latvia. After the collapsing of the Soviet Union the production has been suspended, however now the production is restarted and the tricycle again has restarted conquering the European market.
Figurative Trade Mark; Felzer
Figurative Trade Mark; owner Sanwar Ali