Amendments made to the Immigration law in Latvia (Part 1)
There have been made amendments to the Immigration law in Latvia that come into force on July 1, 2016. Several changes have been made regarding issuance of the temporary residence permits in Latvia for the company executives.
On the rights to receive the residence permit in the Republic of Latvia
The person has rights to ask for the temporary residence permit of the Republic of Latvia if he/she is registered in the Commercial Register of Latvia as a Board Member or Council Member, procurator, an administrator or a liquidator of the company, who have the right to represent the company or as a person, who is authorized to represent a merchant (a foreign merchant) in activities related to the branch, if commercial activities of the company or branch of a foreign merchant is entered in the commercial register at least 1 year prior to requesting of a temporary residence permit, and the enterprise operates an active economic activity, which results as economic benefit of Latvia.
With regard to the executives of a limited liability company that are registered in the Commercial Register these regulations apply only if the share capital of the company is at least EUR 2800.
According to the last practice with the economic benefit of Latvia the Immigration Office understood EUR 21 350 paid by the company in taxes per year (sum total of this tax payment excluding amount of the tax payments reimbursed or to be reimbursed from the State budget).
More detailed information about temporary residence permits in Latvia can be found in the homepage of the Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs of Latvia in here: http://www.pmlp.gov.lv/en/
To find out more about Immigration law in Latvia, please contact our English speaking lawyers at info@gencs.eu.