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Doing Business Guide in the Baltics.
One way to gather cryptocurrency is to mine it, which is actually quite a describing term for it. There are no limits or other restraints to mining cryptocurrency in Estonia. Anyone can mine it, if they want, but there are...
Because there are no clear law directly concerning cryptocurrency, a preliminary assessment of the tokens would be helpful. Especially if they do not want their tokens be considered as securities. Law firm can give you...
What about establishing a cryptocurrency in Estonia? Cryptocurrencies in Estonia are becoming more popular. Most new cryptocurrencies are initiated with an Initial Coin Offering (ICO) process. Cryptocurrencies...
A development of a startup in Estonia is the governmental program for attracting people all over the world to create new business opportunities in Estonia. It is easy to set up a startup company in Estonia...
Since 2014, Estonia revealed to aliens the opportunity to become Estonian e-Residents. Estonian e-residency is available to anyone around the world who is interested in starting a business in Estonia...
Companies are obligated to inform the tax administration about any loans granted to the shareholders. According to the provisions of the Income Tax Act (Income Tax Act, § 502), that will enter into force from 1st of...
From 1 August 2017, the Act amending the Income Tax Act and related other Acts entered into force, which amended the provisions relating to special benefits for company...
What is an A1 certificate? A1 certificate is a certificate proving the payment of social contributions in Estonia. The certificate concerns posted workers, and employees abroad and is not required while...
Buying property in the Baltics will qualify you for a residence permit in the country. For example purchase of a property will qualify you for receiving...
This article gives you an overview about the key requirements for purchasing or selling real estate in Estonia. This summary is not complete or exhaustive, since each particular...
What is Safe Harbor Agreement? The EU Data Protection Directive provides that EU companies can transfer personal data to non-EEA countries only...
Part fifth Compulsory Training Obligations There are no compulsory training obligations for employees generally, but obviously some trades/professions will impose their own standards/expectations. Employer is obligated...
Part fourth -Maintaining The Employment Relationship Changes To The Contract In the event of changes in production, scope, technology or labour organisation, as well as in other cases of production necessity, an...
The description of e-residency in Estonia E-residency is a digital identity, which Estonia has created for foreigners. In 2014 Estonia became the first country to offer electronics residency to foreigners. E-residents are issued...
Up-coming changes in submission of annual accounts in Estonia The Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Estonia has sent to the Government of Estonia a bill regarding changes in submission of the...
Location Of Work/Mobility The employee’s normal place of work must be specified by the employer in writing. Mobility clauses can be included in the contract ofemployment, but they cannot be...
Legal Requirements As To The Form Of Agreement There is no legal requirement for a contract to be in writing. If a person doeswork for another person for remuneration, it is presumed to be an employmentcontract and the...
As of 1st of April the Aliens Act that regulates the bases for the entry of foreigners into Estonia, their...
Registering your invention seems like a long and complicated process. Taken into account the administrative burden and patenting costs, inventors often ask “is it...
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Doing Business Guide in the Baltics.