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Doing Business Guide in the Baltics.
UPDATE: Low - Tax and Tax - Free countries in Latvia 2021 Lately we have informed you about low – tax and tax – free countries in Latvia. Please read our article...
Low - Tax and Tax - Free countries in Latvia 2021 (Full list) With effect from January 1, 2021, regulations on low - tax or tax – free countries and territories in...
Double tax agreements in Latvia Tax treaties protect both taxpayer and state interests. It is a guarantee for sustainable business development abroad, and a legal basis for the cooperation of the states and...
Payroll Tax calculation – Latvia 2020 To commence payroll tax calculation in Latvia, it should be noted that employer deducts personal income tax in Latvia from salary to be paid to the employee –...
COVID - 19 as force majeure ground in Baltic states Agreements and contracts constitute an inalieable part of our lives and can be faced upon every simlple act. The parties’...
Корабли под латвийским флагом являются...
Страны из «черного списка» Латвии в 2018 году На встрече...
The decision of the voluntary liquidation of ABLV Bank in Latvia was taken as a result of decisions taken by the European Central Bank (ECB) and the Single Resolution Board. The ECB decided that the bank and its...
Ship Taxation in the Republic of Latvia The ships under a Latvian flag are taxed subject to the Latvian tonnage tax which is one of the lowest tonnage tax regimes...
Effective 1stJanuary 2019, the threshold for the social security contributions in Latvia will be increased from EUR 55,000 to EUR 62,800. The maximum amount of mandatory and voluntary insurance contributions...
Most common ways an alien may get a residence permit in Lithuania and be able to live and travel in the European Union (Schengen) is by creating a company or by being employed. Residence by opening a...
One of the important activities that banks conduct is the clarification of the origins of the funds and compliance with the international anti-money laundering...
Some days ago all transfer procedures regarding clients’ payments and bank activities of ABLV Bank in Latvia were frozen by the ECB. ABLV Bank is the third largest bank in Latvia, it also has the office in Luxembourg and...
In the meeting of State Secretaries was presented the draft Regulation regarding low tax or tax-free countries and territories. From January 1, 2018 instead of 63 countries, the following 27 countries shall...
Companies in Estonia shall be obliged to report to the commercial register about the ultimate beneficial owners of the company. As a result of the amendments to the Money...
Personal income tax and social contribution in Latvia 2017 Choosing a place of temporary or permanent residence can be based on various factors, one of which is the tax...
Corporate income and micro-company tax changes in Latvia 2017 When considering establishing a company, making profit, employing workers, and other activities related to...
Commencement of activity is assumed to be the start of regular economic activities of a natural or legal person in Latvia or when the VAT number is received. Meaning that VAT registration is...
Violation of work remuneration provisions is subject to criminal liability The Legal Committee of the Parliament of Latvia (Saeima)...
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Doing Business Guide in the Baltics.